Context API vs Redux

Taichi Ishiguro
1 min readJun 23, 2021

Main difference between Context API & Redux

  • Introduction

It will take more time to introduce Redux than Context API. Redux has somewhat complex syntax, and needs longer codes, more libraries. On the other hand, to introduce Context API is easier. It doesn’t need any long code or complex syntax. And also it doesn’t need extra libraries, so bundle sizes are reduced. However we can use Redux with Hooks nowadays, so the gap between them is shrinking I think.

  • Rendering

Context API always make all components re-render when state is changed. Compared to that, Redux only re-render updated components.

Which one should we choose?

Now, which one is better option for us to choose? I am going straight to the point. It depends on the scale of projects. If your project is small and doesn’t need frequent state changes, Context API can be better way. On the other hand, Redux can be better choice for you if your project is large and need high-frequency updates.

Main doubt about Context API

My main doubt about Context API is cons of using Hooks (useContext). We can use context by using useContext without defining Consumer inside JSX, and it’s easier way than using Consumer. If there are any cons to use Hooks, I would like to know that.

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